
  • development of a flight plan and recording of a PV module for 1.0 MW for about 30 minutes (depending on weather conditions)
  • data transfer lasting about 30 min (depending on the number of recordings)
  • data processing for about 1 hour (depending on the number of recordings and detected errors or malfunctions)
  • preparation of studies lasting about 1 hour (depending on the number of detected errors or malfunctions)
  • delivery of studies to the client by digital or mail (depending on the client's request)
  • The costs of recording, data processing and preparation of studies are calculated depending on the strength of the PV power plant
  • regular recording every 6 or 12 months, at special conditions and prices
izrada plana leta   snimanje termo vizijom
Izrada plana leta iznad fotonaponske elektrane   Snimanje termo-vizijskom kamerom i prijenos podataka
obrada podataka   budite sigurni
Obrada podataka i izrada završnog izvješća   Budite 100% sigurni u ispravnost vaše investicije